A systematic review of drug-like ligands bound to helicases in the PDB

Introduction A current focus in the field of antiviral drug discovery are helicases, which are motor enzymes responsible for ATP-dependent nucleic acid duplex unwinding. Helicases of all superfamilies (SF) have stretches of amino acids called motifs, that are conserved within an SF and similar across SFs. For this reason, established helicase inhibitors interacting with these Read More …

Exploring the Potential of Human Helicase Ligands as Inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 NSP13 Pt. 2

My goal is to look for strategies and chemical starting points to inhibit viral helicases, with a primary focus on the SARS-CoV-2 helicase NSP13. In a previous post, I showed that a binding pocket in the human helicase SNRNP200 exploited by an allosteric inhibitor (PDB code 5URK) was absent in SARS-CoV-2. Here, I analyze another Read More …

Exploring the Potential of Human Helicase Ligands as Inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 NSP13

To develop novel inhibitors for viruses with pandemic potential, we have turned our attention towards targeting their helicases due to their high sequence conservation and essential role in viral replication (Newman et al., Nature communications, 2021). SARS-CoV-2 is especially interesting as its helicase, NSP13, was determined to have druggable binding pockets, some of which are Read More …

Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Tree of Human and Viral Helicases

This is a summary of a detailed analysis that is available here. Helicases are motor proteins that separate double helices through the hydrolysis of ATP analogues (Fairman-Williams et al., Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2010). They constitute one of the largest enzyme groups, as multiple varieties of helicases are present in all forms of cellular Read More …