I want to work with iPSCs, what do I need to get started

Good morning and happy Monday, no, not feeling it. Yes, I agree, I hate Mondays too. I never fully understood why the day existed except to be worse then Tuesday, and don’t even get me started on Wednesdays. Anyway, I digress, I trust everyone had a lovely weekend, here in Montreal the sun was shining, Read More …

The summer notebook of a principal investigator

Hello there, Is anyone out there, can you hear me, are you still there. Oh, good you are there, hello. I have to start with a Mea Culpa, for all those wondering where Tom was, its been 3 months why isn’t he writing a new post, has he forgotten about us, well no I didn’t and I Read More …

Shockingly effective – electroporation of ribonucleoprotein complexes into DIPG cells

As soon as possible I’m hoping to use CRISPR/Cas9 genetic editing to make sets of DIPG patient cells that differ only in one gene (either with/without the whole gene or with/without mutations of interest). This will allow me to make far more accurate comparisons of behaviour between the cells in relation to specific genes or Read More …

Purification of putative huntingtin interacting proteins UBE2K, HAP1, NEDD4L

We are getting close to the midpoint of the summer and my project is well underway. With another week passed, I have more purifications to share. Again, I was attempting to purify proteins we think might interact with the huntingtin protein in neuronal cells. This time around was a little less successful than previous posts, Read More …

HDAC11 target engagement assay development in cells – CETSA

Hi Everyone, This is the first time I am going to share with you my research and I will start with the project I am currently working on, which is the development of cellular HDAC11 target engagement assay. HDAC11, the only member of class IV HDAC subfamily, was believed to be responsible for the deacetylation Read More …