Finally finding an antibody to detect EZH1 protein expression

Hello again! As a follow up to my previous post,I’ve continued the search for an antibody to detect EZH1. I’m happy to report that I finally found one. I was able to detect a band in HEK293 cells using the Cell Signaling Antibody. Using knockdowns targeting EZH1, I was able to determine that the band detected is specific to EZH1 (Figure 1). Compared with control knockdown, I see a decreased signal in the band that corresponds to EZH1 in size using both A7 and A9 knockdowns (Figure 1A) but not the related EZH2 protein (Figure 1B) with the A9 knockdown. A7 knockdown shows some decrease in EZH2 expression and is likely due to off target affect of the knockdown.  Full details are available on Zenodo. 

Figure 1: Western blots for (A) EZH1 and (B) EZH2 in HEK293 cells with control (shLuc2) or EZH1 (shEZH1 A9 or A7) knockdown.

Now that we have an antibody for EZH1, I will test it in our AML patient cells.

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